

Pre-Bid engineering works including generation of preliminary layouts, PID's, MTO etc. for new 2 trains of SRU
Year: 2021



Engineering services for Heat Integration and Energy Optimisation, Energy analysis for Refinery Units, Utility network management, Risk Analysis, Flare Study, Debottlenecking study, Revamp study and Stress Analysis.

Year : 2019

Crude Column Overhead Condenser (610C) Rating Report

The objective of this project was to report the performance of Crude Column Overhead Condenser 610C.
Year: 2018


Awarded Design review and Detailed Engineering for the KAR-3 Refinery condensate unit

The objective of the project is to study the existing design, identify the design flaws/discrepancies and provide recommendations for improving the design utilizing all the existing equipment’s and hardware efficiently. Additional requirement of new equipment’s also shall be reviewed to meet the design intent of the condensate splitter unit

Year : 2017

FEED and Detailed Engineering for new Refinery

FEED and Detailed Engineering for a new refinery including Crude unit, Naphtha Stabilizer, Naphtha Splitter, Vacuum unit, Bitumen Oxidation Unit, Reformer unit, Isomerisation unit, Hydrotreater etc. The scope also includes the detailed engineering for all the utilities involved. The plant is being designed as SKID MOUNTED MODULAR UNIT.

Year : 2017

Up gradation of Feasibility Study Report, Marib Refinery

To upgrade the Cost Estimation as per feasibility study, the study shall develop a detailed Project cost estimate which shall estimate the capital investment, and operation cost associated with installation (Basic and Detailed Engineering, Construction up to handover to the Company) and operation of the new facilities

Year : 2017

Detailed Engineering for Hazop Implementation Project

Design and Engineering for turn key implementation of Hazop study recommendations and plant modifications at Abu Dhabi refinery

Year : 2012

Implementation of Operational Improvements to process units at Abu Dhabi Refinery (Umm Al Nar) for TAKREER (EPC)

A. Carry out Process Adequacy Check of CRUDE and REFORMER Units, including:

  1.  Stripper Column
  2.  Naphtha Splitter column
  3.  Reformate stabilizer column
  4.  De-Ethaniser column etc.

B. Carry out Hydraulic calculation for:

  1.  Absorber feed Pump
  2.  LPG Feed Pump
  3.  Stabilizer Distillate Pump and
  4.  Stripper feed pump.

C. Check the adequacy of:

  1.  Reboilers
  2.  Overhead Condensers
  3.  PSV’s
  4.  Control valves etc.

D. Preparation of Process Data sheets and other Detailed Engineering documents.
Year- 2008


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Petrocil Engineers & Consultants Private Limited
C/o Agent SPETCO International Petroleum Company
PO Box 9231, Ahmadi 61003, Kuwait

Ras Al Khaimah

Petrocil Engineers & Consultants FZ LLC
Al-Jazeera Al-Hamra, PO Box 86278
Ras Al Khaimah, UAE


Petrocil Engineers & Consultants Private Limited
First Floor Sneha Complex, Varkala, Trivandrum, Kerala
Tel: +91 470 2600242


Petrocil Engineers & Consultants Private Limited
4th Floor, RR Tower III, TVK Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai – 32, Tamil Nadu
Phone: +91 44 69201200


Petrocil Engineering Consultancy Private Limited
Unit No B-215, 2nd Floor, Excellencia,
Lodha Supremus II, Road No. 22,
Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane (West) 400604, Maharashtra
Phone: +91 22 25821825


Petrocil Engineers & Consultants Private Limited
2nd Floor, Sharon Towers, Airport – Seaport Road, Kakkanad, Kochi – 682021
Phone: +91 484 2986111